Happy Employees are of Great Importance

Happy Always Wins   You would think that everyone would know that the #1 rule in running a business is… make sure your employees are ALWAYS happy! The key to having happy employees starts at the top. If the boss ain’t happy, chances are the employees aren’t happy and,...

Cows, Business, & Advertising

Cows, Business, & Advertising If you look up the word “brand” in the dictionary, you will discover that a brand is a mark or symbol to differentiate one’s cattle from another’s. In the business world, Investopedia defines “brand” as an identifying symbol, mark,...

9 Steps to Courageous Advertising

9 Steps to Courageous Advertising Are you willing to advertise courageously? If you are, you can net the same results that the most courageous leaders achieve in any field…you can win. To understand how important it is to advertise courageously, you must first...

Stay Connected

Stay Connected Depending upon your business category, acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. Knowing this, it only makes sense to do everything you can to maintain a relationship with your current customers, better known...

Evaluating for Success

Evaluating for Success Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” How did your business fair in 2020?  That answer, for many, is dependent upon which...

Ten Powerful Storytelling Tips

Ten Powerful Storytelling Tips At the heart of every successful marketing campaign is a great story. Storytelling has always been one of the most powerful tools in a salesperson or advertising copywriter’s toolbox. 1.) Start with Strategy.  Decide what you want your...