Hiring in today’s competitive environment is as challenging as ever. As recently as March of 2024, the NFIB’s (National Federation of Independent Businesses) Holly Wade said that 37% of small business owners say they have unfilled job openings.

Are you hiring?

When it comes to recruiting your next employee(s), the old boring recruitment efforts aren’t cutting it. It’s time to get CREATIVE!  The question though, is how do you make recruitment efforts creative?

These two examples of hiring signs are some of the most common that we see in storefront windows today.

They’re boring!  And so are most of the ads that you see in the classifieds, Facebook, online job posts, marquees, and even on radio and TV.

If you are hiring today, are your recruitment efforts normal, ho-hum, or even boring? Or are they different, exciting, eye and ear-catching, or unique?

Boring doesn’t cut it!  And if someone does inquire about the position, they’re typically not a prime candidate!

The Gallup company suggests that nearly 51% of the workforce are “Passive Job Seekers”. These are people who are not actively looking for a new position or job but would consider one if the right position were presented to them. Of the remaining 49% of the workforce, 20% are actively looking for a new job and 19% are secure and would not consider switching careers.

To capture the attention of the “Passive Job Seekers”, the more desirable candidates, your efforts must be more than ordinary!

So, when it comes to recruitment, how do you get creative?

Rule #1 is DON’T BE NORMAL!  Most job postings answer the basic questions of Who, What, When, and How Much, but they fail to answer the WHY!  Why is the opportunity a good, or even GREAT, opportunity? What makes it interesting? Why should someone consider working here? You know, the fun and exciting stuff. Get Creative!

Something simple like these two recruitment signs, while not earth-shattering, are certainly more “eye-catching” than the two shown above.

The more creative you are, the more people will talk about your opportunity, and the more they will respond. That’s the end goal.

Click here to see eight ways to get more creative with your recruitment efforts.

Additionally, if you would like help in your recruiting efforts, reach out to the Media Rep or station that sends you these weekly articles.


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