1. Exceed Customer Expectations

“Good” isn’t good enough. Good service is taken for granted and seldom gets talked about. You need systems to ensure every customer’s experience is greater than the customer’s expectation. Only memorable over-the-top experiences get talked about.

2. Empower Your Staff

Train and empower your staff to over-deliver at every level and to ask for referrals.

3. Establish Key-Influencer Relationships

Everyone, from your suppliers to your competitors, will be asked where the best place is for the products and services you offer. A competitor who does not carry one of your lines or is out of a certain item is better off sending their customers to a friendly competitor who will return the favor than not helping the customer or seeing them end up doing business with a ruthless competitor.

4. Audit Your Environment

Everything from the cleanliness of your washrooms to the length of your customer waiting lines speaks volumes about the way you feel about your customers and affects what they say about you.

5. Multiplied Word-of-Mouth

Your advertising can be “multiplied word-of-mouth”. Using real-life testimonials in your advertising will reach more people than free word-of-mouth and will also stimulate free word-of-mouth.

6. Network

Know what organizations your customers belong to and participate in those yourself. Subsidize staff who are willing to act as goodwill ambassadors for you with targeted events, organizations, or occasions.

7. Paid Word-of-Mouth

Radio is the closest paid medium to word-of-mouth advertising. Consumers choose their radio stations based on the entertainment, information, humor, and personalities on those stations. Often, they don’t remember that the “friend” who told them about you was actually their favorite announcer.

8. Boomerang

What goes around comes around. Be sure to recognize and remember those who have sent you referrals. Offer incentives and return the favor by referring your customer’s business when you are asked for the name of someone who can help with a need you can’t fill.

9. Say Thanks

Handwritten notes or sincere personal thanks can be the trigger for word-of-mouth from your customers.

10. The Family Plan

Give staff a reason or incentive to tell friends and relatives where they work. Give their friends and relatives a reason to tell others they know someone who works for you. People like to deal with someone they know or someone they know someone knows.

11. Don’t Over-Promise

Don’t build such high and unrealistic expectations with your advertising that you cannot possibly over-deliver when the customer does business with you. Just keeping your advertised promise is not enough to generate word-of-mouth.

12. Create a Customer Satisfaction Budget

Empower every employee with a budget they can use to turn unhappy customers into happy customers. An unhappy customer turned into a happy customer is 20 times more likely to spread word-of-mouth than one who has never been unhappy.

If what it takes to make the customer happy is beyond your customer satisfaction budget, train your staff to send them to the next level of management for resolution immediately.


At Titan Broadcasting and Digital Group, we believe our responsive, on-going communication with our clients is one of the biggest reasons why our partnerships are so successful. Whenever you need us, we’ll be there by your side to answer your questions and help your business grow in any way we can! www.titanburlington.com/contact-us/