In order to get the very most out of your marketing/advertising dollar, you should focus on your “smoking gun” and/or be able to weave a better story than your competition.

Here are eight ways to help guide you to creating better, more compelling ads that will convince the “jury of public opinion”, your potential customers.

1.) Get your story straight. Then stick to it! Claiming to have both “the highest quality” and “the lowest price” is not a credible story.

2.) Present your case from different angles. Your advertising needs to continually present the same evidence from different viewpoints… you need to find creative new ways to tell the same old story.

3.) Consumers tend to believe other consumers. Use Eyewitness Testimony in your advertisement. Using the names, voices, and stories of real customers in your advertising can be more convincing than trying to make your case yourself.

4.) Consider taking the witness stand yourself. While lawyers often advise against this, in cases where you have an authentic and credible story to tell, your “jury” may decide to side with you. But never take this tact lightly or try to hard-sell your audience. Have proof and evidence to back your story.

5.) Use third-party experts. Lawyers often rely upon expert testimony to make their case. A flooring company that uses the testimony of a building contractor to validate their quality products, a landscaper that uses recognized horticulturalists in their ads, and a doctor that suggests another doctor, all can win the hearts and minds of their prospects.

6.) Do your research. Many of your prospective jurors will rely heavily on statistics and research to form their opinions. Crest Toothpaste used the statistic “21% less cavities” successfully for decades. If you’re selling tires, for example, you may want to report the percentage of motor vehicle accidents that involved faulty or worn tires. Search online for research that makes your case for what you’re selling.

7.) Make an emotional appeal. Telling actual heartwarming stories about what your product or service has done for a customer is one sure way to win the hearts of your prospects.

8.) Last but not least…always tell the truth. Misleading representation will inevitably lead to your competitors or your customers exposing your deception. Once you’ve been convicted, it becomes very difficult to win future cases.

At Titan Broadcasting and Digital Group, we believe our responsive, on-going communication with our clients is one of the biggest reasons why our partnerships are so successful. Whenever you need us, we’ll be there by your side to answer your questions and help your business grow in any way we can!