Faster, Nicer, Easier, Safer… BETTER!
What does your post Covid business plan look like?
“Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill
Not only did COVID cause a great deal of adversity, but it also caused nearly every business to react faster than we have ever been asked to react before. For some, it was because business was booming, but unfortunately for others, it was for survival.
If there is a silver lining to the past 12 months, it’s that hopefully, despite the setbacks and disruptions, we have learned to adjust, adapt, and run our businesses “better”.
Depending on what type of business you operate, becoming “better” means that you have had to operate faster, or that you have had to make doing business with you easier. Everyone has had to conduct business safer.
Expectations of consumers have changed
As the expectations of consumers have changed, we need to be able to deliver to them what they want, when they want it, and how they want it. While this has always been the case, the what, when, and how has changed. Are you prepared to deliver on these expectations?
Walmart just announced forging forward with a nearly $14 billion investment to “build a business model that will define the next generation of retail.” Regardless of the type of business category we operate in, expectations of consumers post-COVID will be different than before and even during COVID. We must take these expectations into consideration when planning our post Covid business plan.
While no one knows for sure what these expectations will be, being prepared to be faster, nicer, safer, and easier to do business with, surely won’t hurt!
In our Seven Tips to Help Prepare for Business Post COVID, Tip #2 is “Follow the Leaders”. Watch intently what the Walmarts, Home Depots, Krogers, and other national chains of the world are doing. Read your specific trade industry magazines. Many have made considerable investments researching what the future will look like. Follow their lead!
To see all Seven Tips to Help Prepare for Business Post COVID, click here.
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