Discussing Farmer Henry’s statement; “The duck is ready to eat”, certainly makes it clear how easy it is for messages to be misinterpreted.

In today’s over-communicated marketplace, creating effective advertising messages is increasingly difficult.

In his landmark document, The Twelve Causes of Advertising Failure, the self-proclaimed Wizard of Ads, Roy H. Williams, says the third cause of ads that fail is “Assuming the business owner knows best.”

He goes on to explain, “The business owner is uniquely unqualified to see his company or his product objectively.  He is on the inside looking out, trying to describe himself to a person on the outside looking in.  It is hard to read the label when you’re inside the bottle.  Too much product knowledge causes the business owner to answer questions no one is asking.  This makes for extremely ineffective advertising.”

Part of our marketing service is to help you create advertising messages that work. We’re not too close to your forest to see your trees. We will sit down with you and ask a series of questions that will provide insight that will help us create messages that are more focused on your customers’ wants and needs. By doing so objectively, this will help make sure your advertising messages are more salient, on target, and clear.


At Titan Broadcasting and Digital Group, we believe our responsive, on-going communication with our clients is one of the biggest reasons why our partnerships are so successful. Whenever you need us, we’ll be there by your side to answer your questions and help your business grow in any way we can! www.titanburlington.com/contact-us/