After interviewing 1000 top salespeople, Steven W. Martin wrote an article that appeared in the Harvard Business Journal titled, “7 Personality Traits of Top Salespeople”.  These 7 traits are:

1) Modesty. Not arrogant and they position the team, as opposed to themselves, as a centerpiece to win the account.

2) Conscientiousness. A strong sense of duty and being responsible and reliable. They take their jobs very seriously and feel deeply responsible for the results.

3) Achievement Orientation.  They are fixated on achieving goals and continuously measure their performance in comparison to their goals.

4) Curiosity. They hunger for knowledge and information. They are naturally more curious and are willing to ask more difficult and uncomfortable questions to get the information needed.

5) Lack of Gregariousness.  Friendly but not too friendly.  Overly friendly people have difficulty establishing dominance and therefore never sell to the level of those who do.

6) Lack of Discouragement.  They can handle “No’s” and emotional disappointment and bounce back from losses quickly.

7) Lack of Self-Consciousness.  They are not easily embarrassed and not afraid of speaking openly and honestly and even challenging their customers. They are unafraid of making cold calls.


At Titan Broadcasting and Digital Group, we believe our responsive, on-going communication with our clients is one of the biggest reasons why our partnerships are so successful. Whenever you need us, we’ll be there by your side to answer your questions and help your business grow in any way we can!