Climbing Out of The Parity Pit

Sometimes it seems that there is nothing to distinguish you from all the other advertisers in your category. Nationally recognized creative expert Jeffrey Hedquist of Hedquist Productions says, “Your potential customers are looking for ways to differentiate you so...

Your “Smoking Gun”

In the legal arena, the critical turning point in swaying skeptical juries is called the ‘“smoking gun”’. The smoking gun is an irrefutable piece of evidence that convinces the jury “beyond a reasonable doubt” that your case is sound. In the marketing world, it’s all...

Smoking Guns for Effective Advertising

In order to get the very most out of your marketing/advertising dollar, you should focus on your “smoking gun” and/or be able to weave a better story than your competition. Here are eight ways to help guide you to creating better, more compelling ads that will...