Why Titan?
Titan Broadcasting and Digital Group is your local marketing partner. Home to The New Mix 107.3, KGRS and 101.7 The Bull, KBKB-FM. Titan provides marketing solutions for clients in Southeast Iowa and West Central Illinois both on-air and online.
Smoking Guns for Effective Advertising
In order to get the very most out of your marketing/advertising dollar, you should focus on your “smoking gun” and/or be able to weave a better story than your competition. Here are eight ways to help guide you to creating better, more compelling ads that will...
Boss or Manager?
Are you a “Boss”? As a verb, the Webster’s Dictionary says that to “boss” is, to order about in a domineering way. Poor customer service is often the result of interaction with people working for a boss who is not happy with their situation. Or are you a “Manager’?...
Top Ten Employee Happy-Makers
Do the math. Divide your total annual revenue by your total number of customers to calculate the worth of your average customer. Now divide your total annual revenue by the number of your internal customers (better known as staff) to estimate their average worth. You...
The Duck is Ready
There’s an old story about a group of big-city folks who went on a bus tour to Henry’s Farm where they worked all day in the fields to experience rural life, firsthand. At the end of the day, they assembled on Farmer Henry’s front porch, tired and hungry, waiting for...
Are You Saying, “The Duck is Ready to Eat”?
Discussing Farmer Henry’s statement; “The duck is ready to eat”, certainly makes it clear how easy it is for messages to be misinterpreted. In today’s over-communicated marketplace, creating effective advertising messages is increasingly difficult. In his landmark...
Be Your Own Devil’s Advocate
You’ve heard the old expression about being too close to the forest to see the trees? As a business owner, it’s easy to fall into this trap. You have a lot going on and a lot of different things to think about, every day! Some spend so much time focusing on mending...
Devil’s Advocate Questions
We’re often so busy working in our businesses, that we don’t take the time to work ON our businesses. We recommend you spend a little time every month to sit down with someone who can challenge your answers to these seven tough questions. 1.) If you replaced your...
Car Wash Blues
Two competing car dealers returned from a “Customer Satisfaction Seminar” determined to delight their customers. Coincidentally, both decided to offer free car washes to every service customer after every service. While the offer was the same, the way in which they...
The 12 Word-of-Mouth Moments of Truth
1. Exceed Customer Expectations “Good” isn’t good enough. Good service is taken for granted and seldom gets talked about. You need systems to ensure every customer’s experience is greater than the customer’s expectation. Only memorable over-the-top experiences get...
This is the best radio station ever! Alway promoting the community and bring them together.
The single best radio group in the tri-state area. The people are very helpful. A friend of mine advertised with them. And had an amazing response to their live broadcast. I also met a couple of the DJ’s they were absolutely the nicest people.
If I want our message to go out to the people Titan Broadcasting is who we call. One of just a few media companies around who I feel spends my marketing money the right way. We get instant results for our Real Estate Team and our clients appreciate that.
Free Consultation
If you have competitors working to attract your customers, or if you want to consistently grow your sales and make more money, then advertising is a necessity. Radio can reach on-the-go consumers and allows you to establish a special relationship with consumers.